Physical Education : About the Curriculum


  • Adopt student perspectives, help students develop an active and healthy lifestyle, and nurture balanced development in the five virtues through teaching a wide range of sports skills and knowledge;
  • Extend PE learning beyond the classroom, and maintain continuity across the Key Learning Stages;
  • Encourage regular engagement in physical activities, and build a good foundation for life-long learning.


  • Cover the six strands, including “motor and sports skills”, “health and fitness”, “sports-related values and attitudes”, “knowledge and practices of safety”, “knowledge of movement” and “aesthetic sensitivity”.
  • Develop students’ locomotor skills, stability skills and manipulative skills through fundamental activities and physical play in Key Stage 1.
  • Provide students with a wide range of physical activities for PE learning to cater for learner diversity. Areas of activity include Athletics, Ball games, Gymnastics, Dance, Swimming and Physical fitness activities.
  • Encourage students to utilize their potentials through co-curricular physical activities and inter-class sports competitions.