School-based Gifted Education


  • School-based Gifted Education carries the aim of promoting gifted education, with emphasis on inspiring and cultivating student to explore and think creatively and develop the social skills, with the view of catering to the diverse educational needs of gifted students through quality education.  


First level (full class participation)

  • The core gifted education elements (i.e. high order thinking, creativity and social skills) are infused into the school-based curriculum, by introducing diverse learning activities to explore the potentials, inculcate and hone, inter alia, students’ creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving and leadership abilities. E.g. Problem-solving worksheets (General Studies), problem-solving booklets (Mathematics), research project, etc. 

    Second level (specialized learning)

    • To provide specialized curriculum and training for students with specialized field of excellence: 


      Course / Training


      Chinese Debate Team

      The Elite Students Class in Chinese Language

      Chinese poetry class




      Creative writing


      Mathematics School Team (Primary 3 & 4)

      Pui Ching Secondary School Maths Training 

      (Primary 5 & 6)

      General Studies

      STEM School Team (Primary 4 to 6 )



      -App Inventor


      Orchestra teams

      -String Orchestra

      -Symphonic Band


      -Chinese Orchestra

      Physical Education

      Sport teams


      -Table Tennis





      -Fancy Rope Skipping

      Visual Arts

      Elite Students Programme

      -Creative Student Award Scheme

      -Exhibition of Student Visual Arts Work


      Third level (off-campus support)

      • To provide students with potential to be gifted different types of learning and development opportunities in fulfilling their potential and broadening experiences

        Learning courses for Gifted Student


        -The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education

        -The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Program for the Gifted & Talented

        The Gifted Education Section of EDB

        Annual territory-wide competitions

        -The Elite Students Project in Chinese Language

        -Hong Kong Budding Poets (English) Award

        -Hong Kong Mathematics Creative Problem Solving Competition

        -Hong Kong Budding Scientists Award

        -Primary STEM Project Exhibition
